2024 ARRL Field Day

ARRL Field Day June 22 1800 UTC to June 23 1800 UTC. EARS plans to deploy stations into Pinafore Park again this year and operate for the full field day there. Plan now to come out and join us to operate from one of the stations set up.

Police Services Week May 12-18

At the club’s regular monthly meeting on Tuesday March 12, Dave VE3KGK asked for our club members to participate in an event to honor those in Police Services. Club members are being asked to make a few contacts on the air during this event, operating will be done from your home station, using a special call assigned for the event. VB3COPS is used as an example in this post and may not be the final call assigned.

Book your operating time as soon as possible by sending an email to Doug VE3IDT, email: ve3idt@gmail.com. Specify what dates during this week you would like to operate, times of operation and frequency bands that you would like to operate on. He will coordinate all operating times to avoid hams from operating on the same band at the same hour.

The spotting service at dxsummit.fi will be used to show who is on which band and when.